Artifacts from March 5th

A few things I noticed on the way to the subway today:

This week, a late snowfall covered the city. It's still too icy to ride my bike, so I've been back to my routine of walking 20 mins to the South Street station, listening to back logs of The World Technology Podcast, which never disappoints.

Septa is depressing. Like my neighbor Agnes always says, if you want to feel better about yourself, just take a look at the people that pass by riding on a Septa bus. The subway is another story, less depressing, but more unsettling. Yesterday the Broad Street line was closed at noon because a 16yr old kid jumped in front of the train and killed himself. It's stifling in the stations, they often smell like urine, and people spit freely right on the platform- could they at least lean over into the tracks?
Today I watched a girl eat a whole bag of sunflower seeds, dumping fistfulls of shells onto the floor.

Needless to say, I saw this scrawled on the post, I cautiously leaned up against while waiting for the train this morning.


Sarah and Aggie said...

This is neat! How do I post!?! I want to post that people should listen to Thao Nguyen:

She is awesome!